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Written by iassid admin damien   
Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Families Special Interest Research Group

Welcome to the of IASSID's Families Special Interest Research Group page. The aim of the group is to promote the production and dissemination of high quality research that is relevant to the situation of families who support a person with intellectual disabilities.

To help achieve these aims we:

  • guest edit special issues of scientific journals on research that is relevant to the situation of families who support a person with intellectual disabilities. Currently we are working on special issues of two different journals
    - Journal of Intellectual Disability Research that will focus on resilience in families who support a person with intellectual disabilities
    - Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities that will focus on family related themes
  • organise symposia on family research at the World and Regional Congresses of IASSID,
  • participate on the Council of IASSID to help ensure that the situation of families is addressed in IASSID activity,
  • maintain a list web-links to IASSID research centres and members that are engaged in research that is relevant to the situation of families who support a person with intellectual disabilities
  • hold meetings and/or promote events for researchers involved in family research, primarily at conferences that typically attract family researchers (e.g., European meetings of the IASSID; Gatlinburg Conference)
  • we are in the process of developing a 'position paper' that will summarise current knowledge and propose an agenda for future research. This will be completed and submitted for approval by the IASSID Council prior to the next major IASSID meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2012.

SIRG Officers (until 2012)
Chair: Eric Emerson
Lancaster University (UK) and University of Sydney (Australia) [email protected]

Secretary/Treasurer: Malin Olsson
Göteborg University (Sweden) [email protected]

Student Representative: Cameron L. Neece, UCLA (USA) [email protected]

Do contact Eric, Malin or Camie if you want to learn more about the activities of the SIRG or get yourself listed on our links page.


Last Updated ( Thursday, 20 November 2008 )